Monday, May 26, 2008

On my elevator....

Well, I had a REQUEST to update my blog! So I'm getting on it.

Sooo, my mom had an office and an art studio, and I had a biiiig bedroom. Now my mom has a big room for all of her work and I have a TV/party room and a normal size bedroom. It's a pretty sweet setup, but involves more work than I ever thought possible. So much stuff to move! It's daunting.

I'm missing Hamilton more than I thought I would, but mostly I miss the people. I'm listening to "Elevator" by Flo Rida and missing Alex and our "AAFOREV!!!!" playlist. I miss Mallory so so much, and THANK GOD, she comes next week. I also really miss Jason. It sucks.

Also, I found a cool website today,

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